Have you ever heard the sayings "you can't out exercise a bad diet" or "abs are made in the kitchen"? Well, they're both true! Exercise is a crucial component to overall health and well being, but nutrition cannot be ignored. So where do you start?
The First thing we do is have all of our nutrition clients fill out a food history log. To have success with creating a healthier lifestyle ALL food and drink intake must be measured and tracked. Data suggests that those who track their daily intake have far greater success in their nutrition goals, not only with being mindful in their eating habits but also ensuring proper balance is achieved. The absolute key to long term nutrition success is CONSISTENCY and being consistent is best achieved by tracking your intake daily and over time.
We understand the thought of tracking your food everyday can seem annoying and a little bit tedious. The fact is, rarely does anything come "easy". If you have goals, (whether they be fitness, gym, career, family, etc) you have to be willing to put in the work. In the end, the things that once were "hard" or "tedious" become second nature. We will be here to help you stay accountable every step of the way!